PSS Lecture Series

The PSS Lecture Series is a crucial component of the Psychedelic Sitters School program, providing the foundational knowledge and supervised facilitation experiences essential for any aspiring psychedelic guide.

  • 50 Enrolled
  • All levels
  • Last updated Jul '23
  • English
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Course Description

The PSS Lecture Series is a crucial component of the Psychedelic Sitters School program, providing the foundational knowledge and supervised facilitation experiences essential for any aspiring psychedelic guide. Open to the public and obligatory for those participating in the school’s intensive training retreats, the series imparts skills distinct from traditional psychotherapy, shedding light on the unique challenges and potentialities of psychedelic therapy. This series underscores the importance of mindfulness and spiritual practices in preparing students to become effective psychedelic therapists, often exploring experiences beyond conventional psychotherapy’s confines.

The course content is robust and varied, with an introduction and overview kicking off the series in week one. This initial introduction also encompasses a briefing on psychedelic cannabis and guidance on creating a blend for training. Subsequent weeks delve into foundational mindfulness practice, ‘Tracking’ and ‘Five Awareness Practices’, and complex subjects like trauma resolution, shadow work, and different aspects of self. The course further explores the transpersonal terrain, the creation of sacred spaces, and the potential of psychedelic cannabis for treating PTSD. The series concludes with a comprehensive look at integration, facilitating a full understanding of the psychedelic journey, from preparation to aftermath.

You will learn:

  • What is Bwiti?
  • Roles in Bwiti initiation/treatment
  • Instruments in Bwiti: ngombe, mogongo
  • What is an Nganga
    • Maboundi/Yombo
    • Maboundi/Yombo
  • Sustainability/reciprocity

You will learn:

  • History of the Fang tradition
  • Dissumba vs. Dissumba Fang
  • Ombwiri/Mbumbayano Fang
  • The kambo
  • State of Fang Bwiti in Gabon
  • Impact of Westerners coming to work with the sacred wood

You will learn:

  • History of the Missoko tradition
  • Various branches of Missoko initiation:
    • Miobe/Mioba
    • Ngonde Na Dipuma
    • Sengedia
  • The impact of logging on the tradition
  • What the future of Bwiti could look like in Gabon

You will learn:

  • History of Dissumba
  • Various branches of Dissumba initiation:
    • Abanji/Mabanji
    • Ilombo
    • Ombwiri
    • Ombudi
    • Loro
  • The ngombe (sacred harp)
  • Healing rituals involved in her tradition
  • Training to serve the wood
    • What does it involve?
    • How long does it take?




About Instructor

Tatayo (“Fruit of the Wind”) first arrived in Gabon in 1971 at the age of 21 and became a Gabonese citizen. In 1979, he became the first white person to be initiated into the Bwiti Fang tradition in Gabon. In 1994, he was initiated into the Misokko tradition. As a guide for numerous expeditions and missions, including those of National Geographic, the BBC, and others, Tatayo is considered to have “opened the door” to westerners in Gabon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below for start and finish dates/times. This course is currently being offered live and dates/times will change throughout the year.


This course includes

  • Modules 7
  • Duration 7 Weeks
  • Skills All levels
  • Language English
  • Availability Always
  • Certificate No

Course Tags

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