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Instituto Alma Viva
The Instituto Alma Viva is the clinical and learning branch of Biocase, the first local Biotech company to get authorizations to study and perform all pre-clinical tests involving Psilocybin in Brazil expecting to start Clinical Studies Stage II and III at the Instituto Alma Viva by the next year.
Biocase already holds authorization to perform a Stage II clinical trial prescribing dried psilocibe mushrooms to cancer patients and anxiety/depression.
- Teaches: Locally
- Website: https://almavivabrasil.com/
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K+Total Students
+Years Experience
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Pós-GradUação em Psicotereapia Assistida por Psicodélicos
Skills you'll gain: psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, holotropic breathing techniques, patient support skills, scientific research integration, clinical practice skills
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